T-Shirt Size Chart
T-shirt size chart is a table that allows t-shirts to be determined according to a standard sizing system for different body sizes.
This chart is used by many clothing brands and manufacturers where t-shirts are typically sold in sizes such as XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL. T-shirt size chart usually shows body measurements such as chest, waist and shoulder width.
These measurements determine the fit and comfort of the t-shirts in the back, arms and chest areas.
Each brand's size chart may be different, so it's important to always check the size chart to choose the correct size when purchasing a t-shirt.
Generally, it is necessary to measure areas such as chest, waist and shoulder width to measure the body size accurately.
A t-shirt size chart offers different sizes depending on how the t-shirt fits and suits the body.
Therefore, choosing the correct size using the size chart can increase wearing comfort and make the garment fit better.
What are the T-Shirt Size Chart Terms?
Terms frequently used in T-shirt size charts are:
Chest measurement: It is the width measured from the bottom of the chest of the T-shirt, at the level of the armpits.
Waist measurement: It is the measurement of the waist, which is the narrowest part of the body, from the bottom of the waist of the T-shirt.
Shoulder width: It is the distance between the extreme points of the shoulder part of the T-shirt.
Sleeve length: The length of the t-shirt sleeve from under the shoulder to above the wrist bone.
Collar type: The shape and size of the collar of the t-shirt. For example, V-neck or round neck.
Body length: The length of the T-shirt from shoulder level to waist or hip level.
Size measurements: Standard size measurements used in the T-shirt size chart are XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL and more.
These measurements correspond to the general body measurements of the t-shirts.
These terms are standard terms frequently used in size charts for T-shirt models and are important for choosing the correct size.
Understanding these terms and using them correctly can be helpful in choosing the right t-shirt size.
Sort from smallest to largest Size
XXS (Very very small) Size
XS (Too small) Size
S (Small) size
M (medium) size
L (large) Size
XL (very large) Size
XXL (very very wide) Size
XXXL (very very wide) Size
XXXXL (custom made, oversized)
The clothing size chart used in our country is regulated in European standards.
Although it is called a standard, it is not exactly a standard. European clothing standards are not as clear and precise as Anglo-Saxon, or American, clothing standards and are variable.
So the same size shirt is either tight or wide for the same person. Same thing with men's clothing, women's clothing, children's clothing; It also applies to textiles such as trousers, sweaters, jackets, coats, t-shirts, sweatshirts, underwear and sportswear.
When it comes to dress sizes and size rankings, Europe lags behind any standards.
Quote: Çetinkaya
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